July 29, 2010


Some of my cravings since being pregnant have been pretty random things I didn't really enjoy much before I was pregnant. Things I loved before I was pregnant haven't been appealing at all now. My beloved chocolate that I used to crave daily is a thing of the past along with all cakes, brownies, cookies and other delicious sweet treats. So hopefully that love of mine will not come back after I have the baby because that was my biggest dieting nemesis.

Some of my fave things as of late are
  • Taco Bell-bean burrito, ah I love it! I can get a REALLY good Cafe Rio burrito for free anytime I want yet I choose Taco Bell's yummy processed'ness over it.
  • Tater tots from Sonic and a slushie. This was more of a 1st trimester craving.
  • Potato salad. Greg and Dan thought it was ok to eat the rest of the deliciousness Heth made over the past weekend. Greg had never seen me so distraught over food. He knows now not to mess.
  • Ramen Noodles
  • Slushies, smoothies, all cold things. This one is mostly due to the heat and the fact that I feel like the A/C in my office is never on.
According the the old wives tales most of my cravings would indicate that I am having a boy because I crave savory and salt. We shall see if that holds any truth in a week! I am dyin, but a week from tomorrow we will know our baby's gender!!

1 comment:

Cali Haynie Rutter said...

That's EXACTLY how I was. At the First and second trimesters I didn't want anything sweet and I never wanted chocolate or goodies which Was SO odd for me! But it's definitely come back a little now that I'm in the third trimester. But still not as much. I definitely prefer the homemade goodies more than a candybar... That's so exciting you get to find out so soon! Make sure to post it on your blog or on Facebook!! I hope you haven't been too sick at all! Much love!