August 10, 2010

We found out Friday that we are going to have a baby boy!! We are ecstatic and have probably shopped for him everyday since we found out... he is already spoiled. Before I got pregnant I always had dreams of having a baby boy, but then once I was pregnant I felt nothing as to what gender we were having. My parents were sure it was a girl, so we made a friendly little bet with them. They came to the ultra sound and pretty soon into it Greg and I were calling out that it was a boy and then the tech got a shot that showed it clear as day. So we got free breakfast that morning, thank you mom and dad. I know in the above picture his little profile looks like probably every other baby but we are so in love with him already. We have looked at our ultra sound pics a million times and he is pretty much the topic of every conversation. One of my favorite parts of the ultra sound was seeing him move around and then he started make a sucking motion with his mouth, the tech said he was drinking the amniotic fluid. It was adorable! Greg is so excited to have a little buddy to play with, he has been more into buying him stuff than I have. Now it seems way more real and we feel like January is years away.


The Dalton's said...

Congratulations, you guys!! That is very exciting news! I hope all goes well!

Kenna, Sulli and Mommy said...

So cute!!!!!

Miss Crystal said...

Aw!! Congrats Zehs! That's so awesome!