March 10, 2010

Christmas 2009

Since Christmas was only three months ago I thought now would be a good time to post some pics... I wouldn't want to do it too soon after ;) We had a great Christmas this year. It was crazy to think that last Christmas we were going nuts moving into our apartment, getting ready to get married, and all that craziness. So it was nice this year to be a lot more relaxed, but we missed seeing Greg's family, A LOT. We spent Christmas weekend relaxing and spending time with the famsky. We even played mini-golf glow in the dark style, I didn't take any pics of that though... too bad.
We only got the one pic of Greg and I together but check out the hottie above, oow oww!
This is Classic Hez, I have only seen her make that face like one trillion times.

This year I spoiled Greg and got him an iTouch. A while back we were talking about our favorite childhood memories of Christmas and he was telling me about one year when he wanted a video game more than anything. Santa wrapped this video game in a several boxes so when he came out and looked at his presents he didn't see a package that looked small enough for the video game. A bit dissapointed he didn't get the game, he started unwrapping his last gift and realized after unwrapping box after box that it was the game. SO I decided to copy Santa and wrapped his iTouch in several boxes. He was completely SUPRISED! It was the GREATEST reaction ever!

Ames and her basketball

The man LOVES containers, all sizes, all shapes! If it's a container he's gotta have it.

Cole was thrilled because he got the Lego hook up big time.

Noah was a sad because Cole tore down the wrapping paper doorway cover to the front room before he could help.

The men in the family enjoyed playing with Noah's gift from Greg and I more than Noah did.

Noah is so gangsta.

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