June 24, 2011

Cooper's Blessing

April 30th was Cooper's blessing day. It was such a great day and we had so much help and support from family and friends. Greg's parents came into town to meet their first grandson and be there for his special day. It was great to have them there and spend a week with them.

I wanted to make it really nice and special for my amazing boy. Greg called it Cooper's wedding because I stressed over decorations, food, etc. We also wanted to celebrated Cooper being wireless and doing so well with his health. So it was our "Wireless Baby" party. 

Greg gave Cooper such a sweet amazing blessing. We have such an amazing boy and feel blessed every day to have our miracle boy. Cooper was blessed that he would be an example to many in his life and be able to have a great life. We know he will do great things in his life, he already has. He has overcome so much and never ceases to amaze us. He makes us happier than we could ever imagine. He is our whole world and can't wait to see how he will continue to awe us everyday.

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